Lower Back Pain

This is a particular area of clinical interest for the Physiotherapists at Essential Health Plus as more than 90% of the population, at some stage, will suffer significant lower back pain. Neck pain is also a significant problem that can have a huge impact on a persons quality of life

At Essential Health Plus your  Physiotherapist will assess and treat your symptoms helping to reduce pain and improve movement. Your physiotherapist will also identify other factors that may be contributing to the ongoing problem. Using a specific framework of assessment the Physiotherapist’s are able to successfully treat both acute and chronic lower back pain and neck pain.

The framework is part of the Peak Performance Physiotherapy method and involves an understanding of all the factors that may be contributing to the development of the neck and back pain. In particular a past history of injury, poor work postures, and restricted joint ranges due to previous injuries all potentially contribute to the person presenting with pain, restriction in the neck and back and possibly referred arm or leg pain.

The outcomes from treatment usually result in the majority of patients experiencing significant reduction in pain, a significant increase in movement, and are educated in understanding the factors that may be prolonging their pain. Additionally, the patients are given an individual home exercise program that assists their ongoing self-management and retention of treatment.

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