Office ergonomics

One of the major driving factors for people having issues with their body is the way in which they interact with their physical environment at home, work, in the car or in the way in which they exercise.

While they may not be as obvious as a collision or a fall the more insidious and slow effects of a poor physical environment on the body cannot be underestimated. Several simple changes in the work or home environment can significantly reduce ongoing pain and help to prevent it from coming back.

Ergonomics, in essence, is the science of ‘designing the environment around the individual’ to reduce the risks of injury.

A large majority of people that attend the clinic are advised to change some aspects of their home or work environment. This is a specific aspect of our initial assessment and self-management planning which, in most cases, helps you to reduce / eliminate exposure to high-risk working practices. In particular, if you’re interested in optimising your work place, then look at the information provided in the Bodies in Business section of the website.

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